Kalika Purana On Kalash In Hinduism – Symbol Of God
Kalash in Hinduism: Symbolism, Importance, and Modern Relevance The Kalash, a sacred water vessel, holds immense signif…
In Hinduism, Archa Avatara is the consecrated image that is worshipped in a Hindu temple, especially dedicated to Bhaga…
In Balinese Hindu philosophy, the concepts of Niskala and Sekala play a fundamental role in understanding the layers of…
The Ramayana has been told to us times without number. Every line of it has been scanned and commented upon minutely, n…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, February 8 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteen…
The story of Sri Krishna and kind tailor happened when Sri Krishna and Balarama were visiting Mathura for the first tim…
One can realize God through intense renunciation. But the soul must be restless for Him, as restless as one feels for a…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, February 7 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth d…
Apunya is the fruit of bad or improper deeds in Hinduism. Every human being is observed to undergo, the experience of …
In Hinduism, Shiva is revered in various forms, each embodying different aspects of the divine. One of the formidable a…
Indra was seeking enlightenment and spent about thirty years with Prajapati, the Supreme Deity. After thirty years, Pra…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, February 6 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Ekadashi tithi or the eleventh da…
Brihadaranyaka Aranyaka forms a part of Satapatha Brahmana in both the recensions – Madhyandina and Kanva – of Shukla Y…
Matravat Pardareshu, Pardravyeshu Loshtvat. Atmavat sarvabhuteshu, yah pasyati sah panditah” - means "He is a wise…
Truth is defined as that which remains the same at all times and under all circumstances. Examine: ‘What is that in me …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, February 5 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dashami tithi or the tenth day dur…
The worship of natural elements, including rock protrusions and mountains, in Hinduism is rooted in the religious and c…
Neither freedom from sorrow nor realization of one’s real nature is possible as long as the conviction does not arise i…
Atman is in all of us; it is behind the mind stuff, behind the ego. The ego identifies with the mind stuff, with whatev…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, 4 February 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Navami tithi or the ninth day duri…
Moksha or liberation is the total abandonment of all Vasana or mental conditioning, without the least reserve. Mental c…
For a man of realization thoughts exist but that he is not affected by those thoughts. There is no freedom from thought…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, 3 February 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Ashtami tithi or the eighth day …
Aprapyakari is a Mimamsa term which refers to a sense organ that functions without coming into contact with its objects…
In Hinduism, Aprameya is literally that which does not become an object of knowledge, non-cognizable. An object that ca…
Goddess Osiya Mata holds a significant place in Hindu religion, particularly in the region of Rajasthan, where her wors…
‘Renunciation is the power of battling against the forces and holding the mind in check,’ says Swami Vivekananda. Thoug…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, 2 February 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Saptami tithi or the seventh day d…
The Kalki Avatar Temple in Jaipur, Rajasthan, stands as a testament to the anticipation and reverence for the prophesie…
Saptakanda Ramayana stands as a significant cultural and literary treasure within Assamese literature. Attributed to th…
The absorbing and illuminating dialogue between Yama and Nachiketa in the Katha Upanishad remain unparalleled. Nachiket…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, 1 February 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Sashti tithi or the sixth day du…
Ayushya Suktam, also known as the Ghritasukta, is a collection of Vedic mantras prescribed in Hindu religious tradition…
"To worship Shiva, be Shiva; to worship Rama, be Rama is called true worship" (Shivo Bhootva Shivam Bhajet, R…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, 31 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Panchami tithi or the fifth day…
Aparigraha is non-possession of objects, one of the ethical disciplines for attaining spiritual perfection. In his well…
Ghee, or clarified butter, holds significant importance in Hindu pujas and rituals, playing a symbolic and ritualistic …
The nature of the ultimate Truth that, though invisible to the gross eye, is the substrate of the phenomenal world — it…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, 30 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Panchami tithi or the fifth day d…
The narrative surrounding Bhagavan Sri Rama indeed emphasizes principles of righteousness, selflessness, and respect fo…
Rama is the personification of dharma. He is virtuous. Truth is his valor. He is the king of the worlds. (Maricha to Ra…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, 29 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Chaturthi tithi or the fourth day …
Growing madar (Calotropis gigantea) or aak plant at home and incorporating them into your routine with prayers and posi…
The mantra 'Om Aim Hreem Saraswatyai Namah' ('ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं सरस्वत्यै नम:') is dedicated to Goddess Saras…
The story of Ramayana unfolds a profound narrative that reflects the complexities of life and the moral dilemmas faced …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, 28 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Tritiya tithi or the third day dur…
The significance of the number 108 in Hinduism is deeply rooted in various aspects of the religion, and the example wit…
The Yoga Vasistha is a profound philosophical text that delves into the teachings of non-dualism and its origin is emb…
As one moves between the different rooms in one’s house, one continues to have a memory of all the things found in the…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, 27 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dwitiya tithi or the second day …
Angahara is a movement of hands and feet in a set pattern in Hindu classical dance. It is sequence of karanas, graceful…
The narrative of Rama facing a dilemma while adhering to Dharma in the context of Tataka's existence is a compellin…
In the Chandogya Upanishad, Shwetaketu could not understand how food became the mind or water prana. Uddalaka decided t…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, 26 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day d…
When Uddalaka, a Vedic rishi, found that his son Svetaketu had not begun the study of the Vedas even at the age of twel…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, 25 January 2024 – It is Purnima tithi or the full moon day in Hindu cal…
Sri Ramanujacharya, the teacher of Visishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism), following Upanishads, says that reality (Bra…
The exact historical date of Bhagavan Sri Krishna's birth is not universally agreed upon, and it is a subject of de…
If anasakti (non-attachment as the path leading to emancipation) profession by the Bhagavad Gita presupposes or include…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourtee…
Alice Boner (1889 – 1981) studied art in Brussels, Munich and her native Basel. She had her studio in Paris but was att…
The notion of immortality is described in the Bhagavad Gita in many instances in simple and clear terms. Different word…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteenth…
Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India, emphasizes the importance of aligning certain activities with …
Surya, the Sun God, is a prominent deity in Hinduism, revered for his immense power, warmth, and life-giving energy. Se…
There are many things that are lying hidden in the corners of the mind, and when we begin stirring them up, they will a…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, 22 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth day d…
The Gayatri Mantra is a revered and ancient mantra in Hinduism, found in the Rigveda, one of the oldest sacred texts of…
The company of bad friends may be given up very easily; we may easily avoid worldly company and worldly talk. But the i…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, 21 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Ekadashi tithi or the eleventh day …
Uttarayan, a significant festival in Hinduism, holds deep cultural and spiritual significance as it marks the transitio…
One of the chief characteristics of true bhakti or devotion is that our love for the world and worldly things keeps get…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, 20 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dashami tithi or the tenth day du…
Inference, Anuman in Hinduism, literally means ‘that which follows (anu) another established knowledge (mana). Inferenc…
Kurma Avatar of Bhagavan Vishnu, also known as the Turtle or Tortoise Incarnation, holds significant symbolism in Hindu…
‘Bhakti as a source of harmony in society’ is excerpt from the speech by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam while releasing A Concise…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, 19 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Navami tithi or the ninth day durin…
Surya Grahan 2024 in India (Solar Eclipse dates) based on Hindu calendar and panchang – India Standard Time. There are …
"Halahala," in Hindu Scriptures, is a potent poison that emerged during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Ma…
Anu Gita is the section in the Mahabharata that follows the Bhagavad Gita. Anu Gita literally means ‘following the Gita…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, 18 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Ashtami tithi or the eighth day d…
Apadeva is a renowned scholar of Purva Mimamsa. He belongs to the 17th century CE. His father Ananta Deva, happened to …
"When nothing is certain, anything is possible" encapsulates the idea that in a situation of uncertainty or a…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, 17 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Saptami tithi or the seventh day…
Goddess Ratri holds a significant place in Vedas, particularly in the Rig Veda, one of the oldest sacred texts. As the …
The Bhojan Mantra in Hinduism is a prayer dedicated to Goddess Annapurna, the divine goddess of food and nourishment. A…
The main theme of Srimad Bhagavata Purana is bhakti, devotion to Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Through innumerable examples, an…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, 16 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Panchami and Sashti tithi or the f…
Kizhakke Kadirur Kurumba Bhagavathy temple is located at Kizhakke Kadirur near Pattiam in Kannur district, Kerala. The …
The story of Dundubhi in the Ramayana carries significant symbolism and imparts a moral lesson, emphasizing the consequ…
Embracing your introverted nature can be a powerful journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Introversion is a pe…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, 15 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturthi tithi or the fourth day d…
In Hinduism, the concept of karma plays a significant role in understanding the interconnection between past deeds and …
Bhagavan Sri Rama, a central figure in the Hindu epic Ramayana, is revered for embodying divine qualities and demonstra…
In Hinduism, the kumbha or pitcher holds symbolic significance and is associated with various rituals, festivals, and s…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, 14 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Tritiya tithi or the third day duri…
Hanuman Bahuk, a devotional prayer composed by Goswami Tulsidas, holds a significant place in Hindu tradition due to it…
The concept of the "nine gates of the body" is rooted in Hindu philosophy and symbolism. These gates refer to…
Listening to the scriptures has an important place in all religious traditions. The Upanishads speak of shravana (heari…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, 13 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dwitiya tithi or the second day d…
Anvitabidhanavada is a theory of word meaning propounded by Prabhakara, a Mimamsaka of word meaning. Words constitute a…
Hinduism, being a diverse and ancient religion, offers various teachings and practices that individuals may find helpfu…
Hast thou not heard the twittering everywhere, And sound of Anaichattan’s mingling voice, O simple maid? Hast thou not…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, 12 January 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day du…
In Hindu logic, the invariable vyapti (concomitance) is of three varieties – The anvaya (positive)The vyatireka (negati…
In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Maricha plays a significant role in the abduction of Sita by Ravana. Maricha is a rakshasa …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, 11 January 2024 – It is Amavasya tithi or the no moon day in Hindu cale…
Anuyogi and pratiyogi are correlated substratum and counter-correlative in Hindu logic. Pratiyogita is a subjective rel…
Realizing that you can't please everyone is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and emotional intelligence. It&…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourte…
Anusthana in Hindu religion is the performance of various rituals with dedication as ordained by source texts like the …
In Hinduism, "Prajapati" is a title that refers to various deities associated with creation and procreation. …
The institution of marriage is given great importance in Hinduism. Most of the deities that Hindus worship — Shiva, Vis…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, 9 January 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteenth…
Kalash in Hinduism: Symbolism, Importance, and Modern Relevance The Kalash, a sacred water vessel, holds immense signif…