Kalika Purana On Kalash In Hinduism – Symbol Of God
Kalash in Hinduism: Symbolism, Importance, and Modern Relevance The Kalash, a sacred water vessel, holds immense signif…
Aditi is popularly known as the mother of Devas or demigods in Vedas. But there is deep symbolism attached to Aditi. Ad…
Ayurveda tells us that the food we eat gets converted into sapta dhatus, the seven major constitutive elements of the h…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, May 8 2024 – It is Amavasya tithi or the no moon day in Hindu calendar…
Adi Shesha or Ananta is the king of serpents in Hindu religion. The Mahabharata has an interesting story about Adishesh…
The burning spear wielded by Goddess Durga in her battle against the demon Mahishasura is a potent symbol of divine pow…
Etymologically, the word Shraddha is derived from shrat, a root noun probably cognate with the English word ‘heart’, an…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, May 7 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourteenth da…
Adi Alvars were the first Vaishnava saint mystics (6th to 8th century CE) who initiated the Bhakti Movement with Bhagav…
The concept of Hindu gods being described as "animisha" or "unblinking" is deeply rooted in Hindu t…
In the Bhagavad Gita one whole chapter — Chapter 17 — is dedicated to expounding the types of shraddha and their implic…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, May 6 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteenth day …
Aprakashas, often referred to as "those who dwell in the unseen," are a celestial group within Hindu traditio…
Any ideal, whether secular or transcendental, cannot be properly grasped in the earlier stages of our effort to attain …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, May 5 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth day durin…
The Sudarshana Chakra (disc), wielded by Goddess Durga, holds deep symbolism and significance in Hindu mythology. Here&…
‘Etymologically, the word shraddha is derived from shrat, a root noun probably cognate with the English word ‘heart’, a…
The concept "What we know is a drop in the ocean" resonates deeply with Hindu teachings, encapsulating the id…
In Hinduism, the concept of a true spiritual person not having followers is deeply rooted in the idea of self-realizati…
In Hinduism, the concept of hell is complex and varied, with different texts describing various hells and their punishm…
In the Vedic age the lifespan of an individual was divided into four ashramas, stations of life: Brahmacharya, Grihasth…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, May 3 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dashami tithi or the tenth day during t…
In Hinduism, Achara (conduct) is the third source of law (dharma) next only to Vedas and Smritis. Some customs were inc…
Airavata Naga, a lesser known figure in Hindu mythology, embodies the essence of serpentine power and divine attributes…
The fundamental teaching of the Upanishads is to discover unity behind plurality. Unity is the Reality, and identificat…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, May 2 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Navami tithi or the ninth day during …
Abhinavagupta, lead exponent and staunch adherent of Trika philosophy of Kashmir, was a versatile writer. Abhinavagupta…
A small collection of teaching from Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta.Shiva and Shakti are identical, the difference being ju…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, May 1 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Ashtami tithi or the eighth day duri…
The theory of manifestation in Hinduism is known as abhivyaktivada. Abhivyakti, manifestation, presupposes an ‘object’ …
In Hindu iconography and tradition, certain deities are depicted in the posture of dancing, often referred to as "…
Everlasting happiness is a universal desire. It is for happiness — both mundane and other-worldly —that humans perform …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, April 30 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Saptami tithi or the seventh day du…
One way of practicing ‘reverence for life’ is by taking to heart Swami Vivekananda’s teaching: ‘Look at the “ocean” and…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, April 29 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Sashti tithi or the sixth day during…
Nir Vyala, also known as Nir Yali, is a captivating mythical creature steeped in the cultural and religious heritage of…
The three pillars of monastic life in Hinduism — perfect character, regular spiritual practices, and scriptural studies…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, April 28 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Chaturthi and Panchami tithi or the …
Adrishyanti, according to Hindu scriptures, holds significance in the lineage of the Mahabharata's Kuru clan as the…
Advaita Vedanta, one of the principal philosophical schools of Hinduism, is believed to have a divine origin according …
By Advaita is meant the non-duality of Brahman, or rather the denial of duality in Brahman. The central concept of Veda…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, April 27 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Tritiya tithi or the third day dur…
Abhijita nakshatra is a birth star placed between the two constellations, Uttarashada (Uthradam) and Sravana (Thiruvona…
The story of Sudama and Krishna, also known as the story of Kuchela or Sudama Brahmana, is a well-known tale from Hindu…
What are these elements and where do they come from? The Taittiriya Upanishad provides a concise and clear statement: ‘…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, April 26 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dwitiya tithi or the second day duri…
Apamarg plant is widely used in Tantrism. Strange and varied uses are made of apmarga in occult practices. Yogis and se…
When devotion reaches a purified state endowed only with sattva, the mind becomes transparent, devoid of the turbidity …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, April 25 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day d…
The temples dedicated to commemorating specific events in the life of Bhagavan Sri Rama hold great significance in the …
Aditi, the mother of the Devas or demi-gods in Hindu tradition, became the mother of Vamana Avatar, an incarnation of B…
Bhagavan Sri Ram is often referred to as "Maryada Purushottam" because he is considered the epitome of righte…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, April 24 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day …
Arul Nandi Sivacariyar was one of the three early expositors of Southern Shaivism. Meykandar and Maraijnana Sambander a…
Spiritual aspirants must be careful about their diet and Hindu religion gives prime importance to a balanced diet. We m…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, April 23 2024 – It is Purnima tithi or the full moon day in Hindu calend…
The story of Sage Chyavana and Ashwini Kumars represents the possibility of rejuvenation in Vedas. He had grown old and…
The old should not impose themselves on others. If people seek their guidance, then they may pass on whatever experienc…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, April 22 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourteenth d…
In Hinduism, the term "Sadhvi" holds profound symbolism and meaning, especially in its association with femal…
According to Vedic teachings, death is viewed as a natural transition of the body. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad illustr…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, April 21 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteenth da…
The Abhasvaras, often referred to as Abhasuras, constitute a fascinating group of demigods or Deva ganas described in t…
In Hinduism, Kamadhenu holds profound symbolic significance, embodying various aspects that are deeply rooted in the cu…
The host of Dirghayu Suktas, supplications for long life, and the numerous hymns to ward off specific diseases and disa…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, April 20 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth day d…
Ashlesha nakshatra is the ninth of the 27 asterisms that lies in the lunar zodiac belt is of great significance in Hind…
Homage to Death, the ender of life. Let your breath — both inward and outward — rest here. Let this man be here with hi…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, April 19 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Ekadashi tithi or the eleventh day du…
In Hindu religion, asceticism, the practice of self-discipline for god-realization, involves japa, tapa, vrata, puracar…
The Hindu swastika and the Nazi swastika are two distinct symbols with vastly different meanings and cultural contexts.…
In Hindu scriptures, particularly in texts like the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, there are profound teachings on i…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, April 18 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dashami tithi or the tenth day duri…
Ashta Mangalaka mala is eight auspicious symbols strung in a necklace. It is also referred to as Ashta Mangalaka hara i…
The state of a Jnani is from the conversation between King Janaka and Ashtavakra.There comes a time when practices requ…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, April 17 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Navami tithi or the ninth day duri…
TTD Telugu Panchangam is one of the most popular Telugu Panchangams and is published by the Balaji Temple during Ugadi.…
The names "Shyama" and "Sabala" carry deep symbolic significance, especially when associated with d…
We should always be able to withdraw ourself from thoughts. If we are following any train of thoughts and see that it i…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, April 16 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Ashtami tithi or the eighth day duri…
In Jainism, the concept of Adharmastikaya is a fundamental aspect of their metaphysical understanding of the universe. …
In Hindu mythology, the story of the origin of spiders is intertwined with the eternal conflict between the Devas (gods…
According to the purity of the antahkarana (the ‘inner instrument’ or ‘inner organ’, the various functions of which are…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, April 15 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Saptami tithi or the seventh day duri…
The human mind possesses a natural inclination to merge with whatever it encounters, an inherent craving that drives it…
The grace of Bhagavan is always shining in our heart as our own being, ‘I am’, and its nature is to draw our mind inwar…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, April 14 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Sashti tithi or the sixth day during …
The story of the boatman's fear and his clever request to wash Rama's feet before allowing him onto the boat is…
Once you acquire faith, your work is done. There is nothing higher than faith. … You have heard how powerful faith is. …
When we see how others seem to have moved through their grief, we see that grief lessens its hold on them. We see they …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, April 13 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Panchami tithi or the fifth day dur…
Dharmastikaya, within Jainism, occupies a significant place as the medium of motion. It is perceived as a fundamental a…
The story of Shambuka in the Ramayana is indeed a controversial and thought-provoking episode that highlights the compl…
When the poet saint Meera Bai visited Vrindavan, she sought a meeting with Rupa Goswami, one of the famous ‘six goswami…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, April 12 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturthi tithi or the fourth day dur…
In Hindu tradition, Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune, is often depicted in various forms…
True simplicity denotes purity and frankness. Simplicity does not mean drabness or narrow-mindedness but is an essentia…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, April 11 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Tritiya tithi or the third day duri…
Jiva is the conscious spirit. Due to its formlessness, it cannot be perceived by the sense organs. Jiva is identified w…
Lake Rakshastal, nestled to the west of the renowned Lake Mansarovar in Tibet, bears a rich tapestry of myth and legend…
Sri Ramakrishna taught his disciples not to make his person prominent. Being the chief of the disciples, Swami Vivekana…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, April 10 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dwitiya tithi or the second day du…
In Hinduism, the sacred thread, known as the yajnopavita, holds significant religious and cultural importance, especial…
Saptahota Yajna is a sacred practice within Hinduism focused on offering to the seven chakras situated along the spinal…
The words in Bhagavad Gita are not a poet’s imagination, nor a slogan, but the words of God. You have asked me to write…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, April 9 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day duri…
Kalash in Hinduism: Symbolism, Importance, and Modern Relevance The Kalash, a sacred water vessel, holds immense signif…