Kalika Purana On Kalash In Hinduism – Symbol Of God
Kalash in Hinduism: Symbolism, Importance, and Modern Relevance The Kalash, a sacred water vessel, holds immense signif…
A Collection Of Quotes on Chaitanya in HinduismAt dawn I remember the Atman, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, the transcenden…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, August 8 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturthi tithi or the fourth day d…
The relationship between the Pandavas and Kripacharya in the Mahabharata offers several lessons in duty, loyalty, and t…
The Upanishads, ancient Hindu texts central to Vedanta philosophy, offer profound insights into the nature of reality a…
‘If you move with the crowd, their desires will infect you.’ Annamalai Swami experience Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, August 7 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Tritiya tithi or the third day dur…
The concept of Mahakala in Hindu mythology and the scientific understanding of black holes have intriguing parallels, e…
The teaching that "You cannot look for God in a particular direction—God is everywhere" reflects a core princ…
If you completely avoid attachment to your body and mind, then all other attachments will vanish. Identify with That wh…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, August 6 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dwitiya tithi or the second day duri…
In Hindu mythology, Apsaras and Gandharvas are celestial beings with distinct roles and characteristics. Here’s a detai…
This idea, ‘I am the body’, is not there during sleep. Everyone enjoys sleeping, and the reason we enjoy it is because …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, August 5 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day duri…
In Hinduism, there is a belief, though not universally practiced, that women should refrain from breaking coconuts duri…
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi says, ‘You are always the Self. It is just your notion that you are not the Self that has…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, August 4 2024 – It is Amavasya tithi or the no moon day in Hindu calendar…
Kishkindha, the monkey kingdom described in the Ramayana, is a region rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. In …
The relationship between Indrajit (also known as Meghanada) and his father, Ravana, in the Ramayana offers several less…
A sage called Pattinathar lived with his disciple Badragiriyar in a village called Tiruvidaimarudur. Every day these tw…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, August 3 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourteent…
The concept of "Ashtabharya" (Ashta Bharya) refers to the eight principal wives of Lord Krishna, a major deit…
We have to live in the world and deal with people. Many of whom will try to take advantage of us. Being quiet and detac…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, August 2 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteenth d…
In Hinduism, the idea of communicating with God is not just a possibility but a profound spiritual experience that can …
In Hindu religion, one of the most poignant and symbolically rich episodes is when the young Krishna reveals the entire…
How can we keep up our sadhana during daily activities? Ramakrishna was once asked this question, and in reply he gave …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, August 1 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth day …
Hinduism, with its rich tapestry of myths, deities, and philosophies, often merges deities to convey deeper spiritual t…
The symbolism of Ganesha writing the Mahabharata as narrated by Veda Vyasa is rich with profound meanings and cultural …
Who is this I? It is neither the body nor the mind. If you remain as the Self, there is neither body nor mind. So what …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, July 31 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Ekadashi tithi or the eleventh day…
The Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata, and the Dnyaneshwari, a com…
Symbols and rituals play a pivotal role in Hinduism, serving as the physical and spiritual framework within which pract…
Arunachala is not an ordinary hill. It is not like other hills in the world. It is a spiritual hill. Those who associat…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, July 30 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dashami tithi or the tenth day durin…
In the Rig Veda, Aditi is a prominent figure whose symbolism transcends the typical roles assigned to female deities. H…
You see a big lamp before you. Your own lamp is unlit. So you bring your lamp to the lamp which is already burning. And…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, July 29 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Navami tithi or the ninth day during …
A comparison between the teachings of Meher Baba and Sri Ramana Maharshi, two significant spiritual figures from India,…
In Hindu cosmology, time is divided into four ages or "Yugas": Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, July 28 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Ashtami tithi or the eighth day durin…
The comparison between Goddess Kali and black holes draws from symbolic, cultural, and scientific realms, highlighting …
The statement "Instagram is instant sense gratification with no soul or purpose" reflects a critical view of …
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, July 27 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Saptami tithi or the seventh day du…
In Hindu marriages, symbolism plays a significant role in conveying deeper spiritual meanings and cultural values. One …
Chaitanya Bhairavi is a formidable and awe-inspiring manifestation of Goddess Bhairavi, a prominent deity in the Hindu …
Forgetfulness of the Self happens because of non-enquiry. So I say, ‘Remove the forgetfulness through enquiry’. Forgetf…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, July 26 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Panchami and Sashti tithi or the fift…
Meditate ‘I am the Self’. If you do this, the idea that you are the body will go. ‘I am the Self’ is still an idea, and…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, July 25 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Chaturthi tithi or the fourth day d…
The fan over our heads is spinning around. A stream of cool air is coming from it but we also hear the noise of the mot…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, July 24 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Tritiya tithi or the third day dur…
Anandamayi Ma and Nisargadatta Maharaj are two prominent figures in the realm of modern Indian spirituality. Both are r…
The story of Jaya and Vijaya, the doorkeepers of Vaikunta (the abode of Lord Vishnu), is a profound tale from Hindu myt…
A foreign woman came to see Annamalai Swami. While she was prostrating to him she seemed to become unconscious of her s…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, July 23 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Dwitiya tithi or the second day duri…
Who is feeling the separation? Who is separate from whom? Ask yourself this question whenever these thoughts of separa…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, July 22 2024 – It is Krishna Paksha Pratipada tithi or the first day duri…
‘All is one’ may be the truth, but one can’t treat everything in the world equally. In daily life one still has to disc…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, July 21 2024 – It is Purnima tithi or the full moon day in Hindu calendar…
The Brahma Vaivarta Purana is one of the major eighteen Puranas, a genre of ancient Indian scriptures. It is particular…
Jnanis remain absorbed in the Self at all times and their apparent behavior is just a reflection of the circumstances t…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, July 20 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi tithi or the fourteenth …
Baudhayana Srauta Sutra is a treatise on the rituals to be performed in three consecrated Vedic fires according to Kris…
Hanuman, one of the most revered deities in Hindu mythology, is celebrated not only for his unwavering devotion to Lord…
How To Attain An Unobscured And Unfragmented Vision? Annamalai Swami answers: Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi wrote in Ul…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, July 19 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Trayodashi tithi or the thirteenth day…
In Kerala, the worship of Bhagavan Sri Krishna takes on a unique and deeply devotional form through the veneration of G…
Once upon a time, in the ancient land of Bharata, King Dasharatha of Ayodhya embarked on a journey to bathe in the sacr…
How can we recognize a jnani? Annamalai Swami answers: For a mature seeker there is one principal symptom of being in t…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, July 18 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dwadashi tithi or the twelfth day du…
Bandhana Vimukti is a technical term in the Arthashastra of Kautilya and it literally means freedom from captivity or f…
Self-enquiry must be done continuously. It doesn’t work if you regard it as a part-time activity. You may be doing some…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, July 17 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Ekadashi tithi or the eleventh day …
Lotus shaped stones in Hindu temples are known as Balipitha, representing gods and goddesses installed in front, and ar…
This story is found in the Krittibasi Ramayana, the Bengali version of the Valmiki Ramayana. Shiva had bestowed a might…
By itself, this body is jada, inert and lifeless. Without the mind, the body cannot function. And how does the mind fun…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, July 16 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Dashami tithi or the tenth day during…
Bahuvivaha literally means many marriages. The term refers to the practice of polygamy. As in many other countries of t…
In Hinduism, the concept that "True lovers of God do not belong to any caste" emphasizes the spiritual belief…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Monday, July 15 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Navami tithi or the ninth day during w…
Puri Rath Yatra, the world famous chariot or car festival, at the Puri Jagannath Temple in Odisha, India. Puri Rath Yat…
Guru Raghavendra and Sri Ramana Maharshi are two prominent figures in Indian spiritual traditions, each with distinct t…
If you are filling a bucket with water, you can always add more if there is still space. But when it is completely full…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Sunday, July 14 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Ashtami tithi or the eighth day during…
Once, the kingdom of Anga, ruled by King Lomapada, was suffering from a severe drought that lasted twelve long years. T…
In Hinduism, demons, or "asuras," are often depicted as powerful and malevolent beings. However, their symbol…
A lamp that is lit may blow out if the wind is strong. If you want to see it again, you have to relight it. But Self is…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Saturday, July 13 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Saptami tithi or the seventh day dur…
Bageshwari Ragam is a popular raga in the Hindustani music style as well as in the Carnatic style of South India. Bages…
The story of Shiva and Andhaka is rich with symbolic meaning, particularly in the context of Hindu mythology and spirit…
In the contemporary world, many ideologies and movements gain prominence by fostering division, exclusion, and hostilit…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Friday, July 12 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Sashti tithi or the sixth day during w…
In today's world, the quest for spiritual enlightenment often leads people to crowded satsangs (spiritual gathering…
Rakshasis, the female demons in Hindu mythology, are depicted with various intriguing and fearsome characteristics. Her…
A rich man lived in a village. From his youth till his old age, he had spent all his time accumulating wealth. He owned…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Thursday, July 11 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Panchami tithi or the fifth day duri…
Ayashulka is the state-levied taxes and duties. Aya means ‘state revenue’. The total system of state revenue accounting…
Mind is just a shadow. Attempts to catch it and control it are futile. They are just shadows chasing shadows. You can’t…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Wednesday, July 10 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturthi tithi or the fourth day d…
The story of Asura Bala, who was known for his mastery of 96 kinds of magic, is rooted in the rich tapestry of Hindu my…
From a Hinduism perspective, avoiding constant pressure to stay connected and keep up with the online world can be appr…
Tithi in Panchang – Hindu Calendar on Tuesday, July 9 2024 – It is Shukla Paksha Chaturthi tithi or the fourth day duri…
Kalash in Hinduism: Symbolism, Importance, and Modern Relevance The Kalash, a sacred water vessel, holds immense signif…