The Atman, the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad tells us, is ‘identified with the intellect, the Manas [mind] and the vital force, with the eyes and ears’, and so on. ‘When this being full of consciousness is thus asleep, it absorbs at the time the functions of the organs through its own consciousness, and lies in the Akasha (Supreme Self) that is in the heart’ (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.1.17). From
from Hindu Blog
via God's Peace
God's Peace
Four Receptacles Of Divinity In Hinduism
The concept of the chatur āyatana, or four receptacles of divinity—kumha (or kalasha), agni (fire), vigraha (icon), and…
By -Bhagwan Hamare
January 14, 2025