A Vaishnava text, Agama Pramanyam was written by Yamunacharya (known in Tamil as Alavandar), who had also written several other erudite works such as Gitarthasangraha, Siddhitraya, Stotraratna, Shristuti, Purushanirnaya and Kashmiragamapramanya. The two branches of agama literature of Sri Vaishnavas are Pancaratra and Vaikhanasa. The differences between these two schools are restricted to some
from Hindu Blog https://ift.tt/qyKHncg
via God's Peace
God's Peace
All Beings In This World Take Birth To Die, And They Die To Be Born
The quote is from the Yoga Vasistha, an ancient Hindu text attributed to sage Valmiki. This philosophical statement ref…
By -Bhagwan Hamare
January 18, 2025