Kojagiri Purnima is observed on - 28-10-2023
Information and Importance in Maharashtra and other states:-
Kojagiri Purnima will be observed on the full moon day in the month of Ashwin (September – October) as per Marathi calendar and is an auspicious day dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi.
Kojagiri Purnima 2023 date is October 28. The day is of great importance in Maharashtra and is also known as Ashwin Purnima.
Kojagiri Purnima Importance:-
The term Kojagiri is the corrupt form of 'Kojagarti' - meaning "who is awake"?
In today's world, Kojagari means ‘staying awake’ and there is a popular belief that Goddess Lakshmi visits homes to look who is awake - She calls out 'who is awake' - and showers her blessings on those who are keeping vigil on the night.
Therefore people sing prayers, bhajans, songs and read scriptures to stay awake.
A unique fast is kept on the day by many people. They only drink milk and coconut water on the day. Dry fruits like cashew nut, pista, badam, anjeer etc are mixed in the milk and taken. This mixture is known as Kojagiri masala milk .
Curative Power of Moon:-
It is also the first full moon after the rainy season. Therefore people in large numbers come out to have a glimpse of the moon. Moon is the closest to earth on the day and people take advantage of the curative properties of the rays of the moon.
The day is also of great importance in Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand and other parts of eastern India. Special pujas and worship are offered to Goddess Lakshmi on the day.
The day is also known as Kaumudi referring to the rays of the moon.